Dock icon - data update

Karen Karen at
Mon Feb 20 04:41:49 EST 2006

On 20 Feb 2006, at 01:07, Jacqueline Landman Gay wrote:

> Yes, you should be able to do it. Revolution has a global property
> called the "icon" which, if set, specifies the icon that is  
> displayed in
> the OS X dock. You could write a script that takes a snapshot of a  
> small
> image containing the text you want to show, and then set the icon  
> to the
> id of that image. If you do this repeatedly using a "send in <time>"
> structure, the icon would update dynamically.

Thanks very much for the answer Jacque.  I'm guessing that I would  
also need to be able to combine the graphic of my existing icon with  
the snapshot of the text that I wanted to show.  I'll need to try any  
figure out how to do that now - I've not done much with graphics in  
Rev previously.


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