Retrieve List of Array Properties?

Scott Rossi scott at
Sat Feb 18 17:50:17 EST 2006

Recently, Dave Cragg wrote:

>>> If I set some custom properties of an object via an array:
>>>   set the specialData["cool"] of fld 1 to "hello"
>>>   set the specialData["hot"] of fld 1 to "world"
>>> do I retrieve a list of the custom property names (are
>>> these called
>>> "indexes"?) of the object?  ("cool", "hot", etc)
> One further way...
>  get the customKeys["specialData"] of field 1

*THIS* is what I had in my mind of how it should work, but couldn't get the
syntax right.  Thanks very much Dave.

And many thanks to all who contributed solutions.  A great resource this
list is.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at

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