Is duration (not delay) of the toolTip adjustable
Eric Chatonet
eric.chatonet at
Sat Feb 18 12:13:07 EST 2006
Re Bonjour André,
Afraid there is no way to master the duration for which a tooltip is
The only thing you can do is to re-display the tooltip repeatedly...
But flickering would probably appear...
Not a very good answer :-(
Le 18 févr. 06 à 18:05, André.Bisseret a écrit :
> Hello,
> The app. I am developing is a set of texts, one on each card.
> On a special card, accessible from the homeCard, there is a field
> that displays the list of all the titles of the texts.
> Of course, this field has a vertical scrollBar but also an
> horizontal one, because some titles are longer than the width of
> the field.
> I am not very happy about this horizontal scrollBar, from an
> ergonomical point of view.
> So I will keep it, but I would like to add a redundant way to
> reading the ends of the longs titles.
> Thanks to Tutorials Picker 2.0, that I « picked » on the site So
> Smart Software of Éric Chatonet, I discovered « How to create
> contextual toolTips on-the-fly ».
> Reading this tutorial, I got the idea of using « toolTips ».
> Below is the handlers I wrote in the script of the TitlesField :
> ----------------------------
> local tLine
> on mouseDown
> put word 2 of the mouseLine into tLine
> set the tooltip of me to empty
> set the toolTip of me to line tLine of me
> end mouseDown
> ----------------
> on mouseUp
> set the toolTip of me to empty
> end mouseUp
> ---------------------------
> I put this « mouseUp handler » because the toolTip stays there for
> a certain time that is constant before disappearing.
> I want to avoid constraining the user to wait for all this time.
> That works well but, on the other hand, this constant duration is
> sometimes a bit too short to read comfortably the longs titles in
> the toolTip.
> There is my problem : Is there a possibility to set the duration of
> toolTip display ? In fact I would need to get it longer.
> I searched diverse ressources (with « Ressources Picker », of
> course) but I did not find any answer to this question.
> Thanks in advance for any idea,
> Best regards from Grenoble
> André
Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet
---------------------- eric.chatonet at
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