Main menu puzzle

Ken Apthorpe ken.apthorpe at
Sat Feb 18 07:25:54 EST 2006

Thanks Alex

I'll copy and paste that into my Rev tips file, so I remember it's a
parameter name.  I still do not understand how pWhich can tell that I've
picked a menu item like Quit (or Open, or anything else).  

So, how does a pWhich identify what's been picked?  (you see the dimensions
of my ignorance).

Comment for Rev support:
I have to wonder why I had to go to a user forum and rely on helpful others
to provide this information.  If it's a convention (ie something "everyone"
knows, and follows) one can only wonder why it doesn't seem to appear in the
Rev dictionary.  I did a fairly thorough search, and I supposed it might be
a parameter (among other things), so I put in parameter as a search term and
scrolled thru the list of parameters, and failed to find it.  If it is such
a common convention, how come?
Answer: Everybody knows this...
Reply:  No, they don't.... but if you want Rev to be scripting for the rest
of us, you'll have to make it a bit easier to find it out.

Thanks Alex.  As you can see, I have another agenda going here but I
appreciate all the help I can get.  I need lots.


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