Windows, Launch comes up hidden

David Anderson anderson at
Thu Feb 16 18:59:41 EST 2006

Hello Everyone

I hope this post ends my streak of never being answered on this list. 

I have a rev app launching another rev app on Windows XP.  I just use 
the Launch command, and they are in the same folder.

Problem is, the app launches but doesn't show the stack/cards.  When I 
look in the "Task Manager" in the "Processes" tab I see it running, but 
it doesn't show up in the "Applications" tab.  It shows up minimized 
after a timer that starts at startup runs out and causes the iconic to 
be set to true.  And, yes I tried setting the iconic to false ( also 
tried true then false ) before the timer starts, with the same results. 
  One other tidbit is that the app that launches this app is not 
visible, but I can't see that it would matter.

I am having a hard time getting my head around why it doesn't work.  
Anyone out there have a better idea (or Head) please prove me stupid.

I appreciate any and all comments, even at my expense. (-;

Dave Anderson

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