Crashing in 2.7

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Feb 16 18:31:13 EST 2006

Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote:
> The problem is more likely with the operating system.  If a mere 
> application can crash it like that, you should seriously consider 
> upgrading to a real computer...
> No application should be able to cause the operating system to behave 
> like that.  Make sure you have the latest security patches and so forth 
> installed, at a minimum.

If only computing were so simple. :)

Somewhere off in Bugzilla I have a recipe I stumbled across which brings 
the might OS X to its knees.  No, not just my app -- the entire system.

No, that's not *supposed* to be possible.

But yes, these things can happen on even the most solid systems.

All software always has bugs, and that includes OSes too.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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