Getting Started with a Database

Charles Hartman charles.hartman at
Wed Feb 15 20:36:47 EST 2006

Thanks, that's nice & new, two years newer than the one I found  
before. BUT it still freezes my PB totally so only a very hard reboot  
will bring it back. Am I weird? Some intereaction . . .


On Feb 15, 2006, at 5:42 PM, Stephen Barncard wrote:

> as I mentioned earlier in the week, the project is open source and  
> this is the latest (1/24/) version.
>> I just tried downloading CocoaMySQL from curiosity. When I  
>> selected one of my databases and selected a table, it froze my  
>> PowerBook absolutely solid -- after half a minute, the beachball  
>> wouldn't even spin! Is there some more modern (> 2003) version I  
>> didn't find?

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