"MegaWidget" question

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Tue Feb 14 13:37:30 EST 2006

Hi freinds,

> there's lots of ways...
> easiest would be to use 2 icons, one for the non-hilited state of  
> the button
> and one for the hilited state (ON). You set the hilited of the  
> button on and
> off and it will show or switch that icon and it's a on-off switch...
> set the button's auto-hilite to off with this little script
> on mouseup
>   set the hilite of me to not the hilite of me
> end mouseup
> very easy!

Even easier: Use a simple checkbox with your icons ;-)

> choice of icons will make the button more dipswitch like...
> scanning dipswitches in on and off states is also allowed but icons  
> look
> usually better and are easier to find...
> Depends how cool you want those icon or switches to look...
> cheers
> Xavier
> http://monsieurx.com

>> I'm wondering anyone has created a "megawidget" (sorry for
>> the TCL/TK term - that's my background) that would visually
>> simulate a DIP switch?
>> ...
>> Thanks
>> Len Morgan


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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