breaking currentTime into minutes, seconds, and frames

Josh Mellicker josh at
Mon Feb 13 21:47:57 EST 2006

I kind of figured it out.

By the way, the purpose of the app is to load a QT movie, then allow  
the user to easily and efficiently take notes, tagged with the  
current movie time.

If this is of any use to anyone:

Make a card with:

1. a Player object

2. a "get new movie" button

3. a "stop movie and take note" button.

Here is my script for the "start/stop" button:

ON mouseUp
     IF the paused of player "Player" is false THEN
         stop player "Player"
         set the numberFormat to "##"
         put the currentTime of player "Player" into curTime
         put (curTime - (curTime mod 1800))/1800 into curMin
         put (curTime mod 1800)/30 into curSec
         put cr & "time: " & curMin & ":" & curSec & " - " after fld  
         select after text of fld "notes"
         set the label of me to "start movie again"
         set the label of me to "stop movie and take note"
         start player "Player"
     END IF

END mouseUp

Here's what the output looks like:

timescale: 30

time: 00:05 - white rect

time: 00:15 - arrows

time: 00:21 - title with bullet points

time: 00:55 - white rect left side

time: 00:57 - WR right side

time: 01:07 - like the tooltip! awesome! :D

time: 01:43 - power tip anim

"get new movie" button:

ON mouseUp
     IF the paused of player "Player" is false THEN
         set the paused of player "Player" to true
     END IF

     answer file "Please choose a movie:"
     set the filename of player "Player" to it
     set the itemDelimiter to "/"
     put cr & cr & "________________________________________" after  
fld "notes"
     put cr & "movie: " & the last item of it after fld "notes"
     put cr & "timescale: " & the timeScale of player "Player" & cr  
after fld "notes"
     put "________________________________________"after fld "notes"

END mouseUp

If your job is to watch movies and make comments at certain points,  
this is the app for you!

It is pretty lame right now, but with a little work...

Anyway, let me know if anyone would like the actual stack, I can  
upload it.

On Feb 13, 2006, at 3:19 PM, Josh Mellicker wrote:

> I'm sure this has been done so many times so I thought I would ask.  
> (I've searched everywhere I can find)
> When getting currentTime of a QT movie, you get an integer which is  
> the current frame.
> This gets minutes:
> put "minutes: " & (curTime - (curTime mod 1800))/1800 into curMin
> What I'm trying to get is:
> mm:ss:ff
> minutes:seconds:frames
> (like: 1:34.23)
> My brain hurts.
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