How to get a player to stop intercepting keyboard input

Howard Bornstein howard.bornstein at
Mon Feb 13 18:20:00 EST 2006

I've got a player object that is the same size as my stack. I want to
control it from the keyboard. I'm using rawkeydown to grab keystrokes
and control the player based on the keys the user presses.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to keep the player object from
intercepting certain keys and acting on them before my rawkeydown
handler gets them (actually in this case, the handler never receives
some keystrokes--the player object traps them and doesn't pass them

And yes, I've set the traversalOn of the player to false.

The keys that seem to be problematic are the arrow keys and the space
bar, keys which the player uses directly. My question is, even though
traversalOn is set to false, why is the player object still
intercepting these keystrokes? If I make the stack a little larger
than the player and click the stack (so it's the focus), all my keys
are handled correctly. I've worked out a kludge to keep the focus on
the stack, but it seems I shouldn't have to do any of that.

Does anyone have an idea of how to keep the player from interfering
with keystrokes?


Howard Bornstein

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