Setting a tabbed button

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Thu Feb 9 14:20:46 EST 2006

Hi Dar,

Le 9 févr. 06 à 20:12, Dar Scott a écrit :

> I forgot how to set a tabbed button.  In my app the first card  
> comes up at the start but the button is in some leftover state.

Multiple cards method (each tab is a card)

Each bush of controls you need for each tab is placed on a specific  
card and the tabbed buton is placed as a group at the lower level  
with its background behavior set to true on all these cards.
Each click on a tab goes to a specific card.

   on menuPick pNewItem,pOldItem
     go card pNewItem
     -- assuming that the names of the cards are the names of the tabs
   end menuPick

Groups method (show/hide groups based on tab selection)

This second method requires a single card.
All controls corresponding to a tab are grouped: there are as many  
groups as you want tabs
When the user chooses a tab, you show the corresponding group and  
hide others.

   on menuPick pNewItem,pOldItem
     lock screen -- ensures a clean transition
     hide group pOldItem -- current visible group
     show group pNewItem --  clicked tab
     unlock screen
     -- assuming that the names of the groups are the names of the tabs
   end menuPick

More by accessing "How to Manage Tabbed Buttons" through "Tutorials  
Picker" a free plugin that interfaces with the So Smart Software  
website in order to display all available tutorials stacks directly  
from the web.
You will find it by going to
Revolution/Plugins or Tutorials section.

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet
----------------------    eric.chatonet at

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