More about Granny Mckay's steam-driven computer

Mathewson richmond at
Wed Feb 8 13:31:04 EST 2006

This is not quite as OT as it may at first seem . . .

If one wants to be really cynical one can chop people in
the world up into various groupings:

Class #1. Those who have computers which they regularly
upgrade and/or exchange - equipped with reasonably
up-to-date operating systems.

Class #2.  Those who have "steam-driven" computers: i.e.
computers which, at a stretch, are capable of coping with
some stacks/standalones generated by RR developers, but are
old, slow and work with antiquated operating systems. This
class probably don't possess either the wherewithall to buy
a more modern computer nor feel a need to.

Class #3. Those who work as cow-herds and don't have
computers (OK, OK, I know there are hi-tech cowherds, but
they are in a minority).

I wonder if there is a need (see earlier posting re speech
capabilities) to develop a set of standard as to what it is
reasonable for RR developers to expect Class #2 owners'
computers to be capable of?

While you and I (well, not quite - my fanciest machine is a
G4 Mac 1.47 GHz with 1 GB RAM - hardly a la moment) may be
owners of up-to-the minute computers most domestic users
and small business users (particularly outwith North
America) belong somewhere between Classes #1 and #2.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

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