This I would call a bug

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Sun Feb 5 11:04:43 EST 2006

Hi David,

I agree with the principle of your thinking :-)
 From the docs:

The long ID of a group includes the ID of the current card. If the  
group does not appear on the current card, requesting its ID causes  
an execution error. If you need to get the ID of a group, use the  
"background" terminology instead.
The long ID of a background includes the ID of the current card, if  
the background appears on the current card. If not, the long ID of  
the background includes the ID of the first card the background  
appears on.

So, using the long ID will always refer to the current card for  
grouped controls :-(

Le 5 févr. 06 à 00:44, David Bovill a écrit :

> Getting the text from a particular card? A background field on a  
> particular card? That is you have a stack with several cards and a  
> background shared by all the cards...
>     put the long id of fld 1 of card 2 into someField
>     put the text of someField
>     answer the text of fld 1 of card 2
> These should be the same - no? Well they are not - "the text of  
> someField" returns the text of the current card (ie the one  
> displayed) and not the text of the second card.

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet
----------------------    eric.chatonet at

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