handler troubles

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Sat Feb 4 06:56:38 EST 2006

Hi Ben,

> I am going to make a standalone, that saves to a separate data  
> stack.  Right now I have 2 sample stacks to work out the kinks,  
> "button sample" and "data sample".  On the "button sample" stack I  
> have a series of quiz items per card, each with yes or no  
> responses.  I used radio buttons, grouped for each item.
> So item #1 has a "YES" btn and a "NO" btn, named "yes1" and "no1",  
> & these are grouped to make "group1".
> At the bottom of the page is a btn "Go Next Page", with the script:
> on mouseUp
>     put the value of hilitedbutton of group "group1" into field "1"  
> of stack "data sample"
> end mouseUp

Don't use "value":

   put hilitedbutton of group "group1" into field "1" of CD X of  
stack "data sample"
## see below...

This will only return the NUMBER of the hilited button of that group
if the the FIRST button in that group is hilited and
if it i the second one.

> This works alright, but it puts "YES" as 1 and "NO" as 2,  
> apparently based on the ID.  What I want is to be able to code the  
> correct answers "1" & the incorrect answers as "-1", with the  
> unanswered items as "0".
> So I tried scripts like this, with -1 for the incorrect buttons:
> global dataValue1
> on mouseUp
>  put -1 into dataValue1
> end mouseUp
> And this in the "Go Next Page " btn:
> global dataValue1
> on mouseUp
>  send dataValue1 to field "1" of stack "data sample"
> end mouseUp
> But get error message:
> Type Handler: can't find handler
> Object: Next
> Line: send dataValue1 to field "1" of stack "data sample"
> Hint: -1
> I can't figure out what is wrong.  I've tried many permutations  
> that I have not listed.  Thanks for any help,

You cannot "send" the value of a variable.
You can only "send" a message = the name of a handler.

So you just:

global dataValue1
on mouseUp
   PUT dataValue1 to field "1" of CD X of stack "data sample"
   ## see below...
end mouseUp

And try this for checking which radiobutton is hilited:

on mouseUp
    put empty into temp_var
   ## we willstore the NUMBER of the hilited button here

    if the hilitedbutton of grp "group1" = 1 then
      ## the first button = "yes1" is hilited
      put "YES" into temp_var
      ## the secong button is hilited
     put "NO" into temp_var
   end if

  if temp_var = empty then put 0 into temp_var
## NO button is hilited!

  put temp_var into  field "1" of CD X of stack "data sample"
  ## if you omit the descriptor "of CD X" it will only work if the  
field is on
## the current card of stack "data sample" or it there is only ONE  
card in that stack!
end mouseUp

Hope that helps.

> Ben


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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