relayering groups within groups

Terry Judd tsj at
Wed Feb 1 05:07:47 EST 2006

Hi Sarah - unfortunately this all has to be done scriptwise. Perhaps I 
could try locking the screen and breaking my parent group apart then 
relayering my objects and recreating the group - yuk!


> On 2/1/06, Terry Judd <tsj at> wrote:
> > I'm having real trouble trying to change the layer of a group within 
> a
> > group without it either 'breaking free' from it's parent group (to be
> > owned by the card) or somehow joining with another 'sub' group that
> > belongs to the parent group.
> >
> > I've got the relayerGroupedControls set to true and I've tried 
> setting
> > the layer of the sub-group I want to bring to the front of the group 
> to
> > both "the number of controls" and the number of controls - the number
> > of controls of the sub group (and various other incantations) none of
> > which seem to have the desired effect.
> >
> I recommend NOT setting relayerGroupedControls to true. Instead,
> select your parent group and then click "Edit group" in the toolbar.
> Everything but the group will disappear. Then you can select your
> sub-group and use the normal "Send to back", "Send to front" etc menu
> items without the sub-group being able to come out of the parent
> group.
> HTH,
> Sarah

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