hide with effect

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Thu Dec 28 08:16:05 EST 2006

Hi Joe,

> Hi,
> I’m trying to hide the present stack so I can show the one beneath  
> it and use
> a dissolve transition. I thought the code below would work, but it  
> doesn’t.
> How do I do it?
> hide this stack with visual effect dissolve

unfortunately "visual effect xyz" does only work inside of a stack  
and not the stack itself.

But if you have a recent version of REV, you can use the new  
"blendlevel" property which
also works on a stack level!

Maybe with two handlers in the stackscript:

on dissolvestack whatstack
    repeat with i = 10 to 100 step 10
    ## play with "wait" and the values in the repeat loop...
      set the blendlevel of stack whatstack to i
     wait 10
    end repeat
   hide stack whatstack
end dissolvestack

on undissolvestack whatstack
show stack whatstack
  repeat with i = 90 down to 0 step 10
    ## play with "wait" and the values in the repeat loop...
      set the blendlevel o stack whatstack  to i
      wait 10
    end repeat
end undissolvestack

> Joe
> Orlando


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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