Removing a stack from memory - is this a bug?

David Bovill david at
Wed Dec 27 11:50:30 EST 2006

I have a stack loaded into memory. It is not being used and it is not using
sockets. However if I try to remove it from memory using:

  delete stack "Test"

It is not removed - nothing happens no error reported with "try" - nothing
in the result...

What else can prevent a stack from being removed from memory. There is a
movie player in the stack, but it is referencing a local file and not
playing. I think this is a bug and happens when the stack has been "used" as
a library and then stopped being "used" - it seems that this causes it to be
"unremovable"? Is this a known issue or is something else going on... I'll
see if I can figure out how to use the department of quality and

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