What's Up With RevCon West?

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at hrz.uni-kassel.de
Thu Dec 21 18:02:40 EST 2006

On Thu Dec 21, 2006; Roger.E.Eller at sealedair.com wrote:

> What concerns me is that the planned location of the
> conference is seemingly locked-in to the west coast, and I am an east
> coast Rev user. I would prefer a Rev sponsored event to take place either
> alternating on the west/east coast.
> .........
> I look forward to seeing what RunTime
> comes up with to engage the broader Rev audience.

What about Miami for a change? Sunny and warm all the year, but not as 
hot as Las Vegas. Great places and beaches - a trip to the Everglades 
(alligators and boa constrictors are fighting there) and to the Keys 
(visit the Loreley restaurant on the Matecumbe Key and Hemingways Home 
in Key West) is recommended, or visit Edison's and Ford's joint estates 
and research facilities in Fort Myers..

There are also a number of great computer-oriented magnet schools and 
creative computer classes in other schools in Miami-Dade county that 
could be interested in the RevCon proceedings or could benefit from such 
an event.

I wish you all a Merry Xmas (supporting the interpretation of Richard 
Gaskin) and a creative New Year!

Wilhelm Sanke

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