drawers in Tiger

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Thu Dec 21 15:38:55 EST 2006

Lars Brehmer wrote:
> I am using and the lhe latet version of Tiger.
> I can't quite remember when the doesn't-slide-out behavior of drawers 
> started, but I am at least fairly sure it was the same time that the 
> sheets stopped sliding out.  Both drawers and sheets do, however, slide 
> back in correctly.  The thing is it might correspond to when I installed 
> rev or possibly a tiger update. Again, I started making my own 
> ask/answer dialogs long ago, and haved done anything with drawers for 
> quite some time. I wanted to think that one of the settings or 
> properties of the drawer stack was wrong, but have found nothing wrong, 
> and even if I did, it still wouldn't explain why sheets don't slide out 
> - they just appear in place, just like the drawers.
> Seriously, am I the only one experiencing this with sheets and drawers?

It's fixed in 2.7.4, so you may need to update to see the improved 
behavior. I can't remember if there was a problem in 2.6, since I don't 
use drawers much, but I just tested it in 2.7.4 and it works fine in 
both directions. So do sheets.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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