Creating reports from a Garmin 60CSX GPS...

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed Dec 13 11:03:50 EST 2006

Jim Carwardine wrote:
> There are GPS devices out there <>
> that do deliver reports calculating mileage and tracking start and end trip
> points from a street map database but they are all single purpose
> dash-mounted devices.  I can't seem to find a hand-held GPS, that I can also
> carry into the woods, that produces these kinds of reports even though they
> connect to a PC or Mac via USB.

I have a similar interest, but have been unable to find any definitive 
info on reading/writing to USB ports from Rev.

Maybe someone in the know will chime in here.  I understand USB is 
somewhat popular, so I'm guessing we're not the only two who could 
benefit from this....

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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