Return in entry fields

Ken Ray kray at
Fri Dec 8 17:30:16 EST 2006

On 12/8/06 2:55 PM, "Charles Szasz" <cszasz at> wrote:

> I have the following script in fields where the user enter data. The
> script allows only two digits to be entered into fields. This works
> great with the user using the Tab key to move to the next field after
> data is entered. However, if the user enters two numbers and presses
> the Return key, the numbers are pushed aside in the entry field and
> you cannot see the numbers and the enter does not advance to the next
> field.
> How can I allow entry of two numbers using the Tab and Return key?

Set the autoTab of the field to true - this causes the Return key to act
like a tab and go to the next aailable control to get the focus (usually the
next field in line).

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:
Email: kray at

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