Make an Object "Wander"

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Fri Dec 8 03:29:45 EST 2006

Hi Bridger,

You could probably move "without waiting" the button along the points  
of a bezier curve you would build on-the-fly (this curve would stay  
invisible of course).
If such coding sounds a bit tricky, just let me know off-list: I'll  
send you a demo stack.

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

Le 8 déc. 06 à 06:50, Bridger Maxwell a écrit :

> Hey,
>  I am designing a program is the Tactical station for a Star Trek-type
> simulator. It has 10 of buttons in a grid.  These buttons represent  
> other
> ships outside of our ship.  The kid working the station targets the  
> contact
> by tracing the mouse over it for a while (not very difficult, it  
> has to be
> operated by a 5th grader of any intelligence).  Right now the  
> target picks a
> random loc, moves there, then picks another loc.  It is supposed to  
> look
> like they are just drifting in space a little, but it looks really  
> lame
> right now because they move in such perfectly straight lines.  Does  
> anybody
> have any ideas to make them randomly wander inside of the grid?  I  
> would
> like to have it run as a background task so the move command  
> doesn't tie
> things up.   It would also be cool if the speed they moved at varied a
> little.  Much appreciated.
>    Bridger
> ___________

----------------------    eric.chatonet at

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