Passing Values to RunRev from an AppleScript

Ken Ray kray at
Thu Dec 7 10:41:06 EST 2006

On 12/7/06 9:24 AM, "Richard Gaskin" <ambassador at> wrote:

> Mark Schonewille wrote:
>> The only items in the dictionary are "do script" and "evaluate".
>> Weren't there any more items in MC's AppleScript dictionary?
> IIRC, there were originally six:
> Required Events:
> oapp -- open application
> odoc -- open document
> pdoc -- print document
> quit -- quit
> Application Events:
> eval -- Evaluate an expression and return a value
> dosc -- Do script command

And for the adventurous, you can add your own custom AppleScript commands to
any MC/Rev application. I've done this on several occasions. In fact, for
one client who was doing a lot of presentation-based work, there were
commands like:

  swap show "MyOldShow" with show "MyNewShow" with logging on

If anyone is interested in doing this, contact me offlist and I can provide
instructions (which will eventually become a tip on my site). (BTW, this
approach can be used to make Automator actions for an MC/Rev application,
which I demonstrated at the last RevConWest.)

> Not sure why the four required events aren't in there.  Maybe it's been
> so long now that Apple just expects applications to support those?
> Should they be there for AppleScripters?

Yes, they should, IMHO. It has to do with the actual dictionary resource
file. The descriptions of these four weren't added to the file, although
Rev's native code will respond to those events.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:
Email: kray at

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