Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

Bill Marriott wjm at
Fri Dec 1 03:41:36 EST 2006

>> get shell("uuidgen")
> This works also with Windows XP (it's not in Win98)- but note that in OS 
> X,
> the letters in the hexadecimals are uppercase, whereas in Windows they're
> lowercase.

I think you picked up this tool from installing Visual Studio; it's not 
included in the "stock" Windows XP, at least it does not seem available in 
my copy.

Even if there were such a tool, I'd really like to see how this would be 
done in xTalk.

> What does the word "bona-fide" mean in this context?  I know what the 
> dictionary meaning is.

Bona-fide in this context means strictly following the RFC guidelines for 
generating a GUID. 

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