RunRev logos

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Mon Aug 21 23:30:08 EDT 2006

--- Sarah Reichelt <sarah.reichelt at> wrote:
> In earlier versions of Revolution, they used to
> supply a set of image
> files with RunRev logos which we were supposed to
> display in our apps.
> I cannot find these files in any 2.7.x folders. I
> guess I can dig back
> through my archives and find older copies, but does
> this mean it is no
> longer expected that we give credit to RunRev in our
> apps? They used
> to supply some text as well.
> What's the story and what should I do?
> Cheers,
> Sarah

Hi Sarah,

They're still there, but no longer a copy per version.
On Windows, inside the \Program Files\Revolution
[Media|Studio|Enterprise] directory is a subdirectory
'Supporting Materials' which has a subdirectory 'Made
With Logos'.
Likewise on MacOS, in your /Applications/Revolution
[Media|Studio|Enterprise] folder you'll find a folder
'Supporting Materials' which has a subfolder 'Made
With Logos'
The license still 'encourages' us to place these

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam Reports for Revolution

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