Constraining the pointer within a rect

Scott Morrow scott at
Thu Aug 17 18:13:39 EDT 2006

Ah, trapping the mouseLeave is much more elegant from a "number-of- 
messages-needed" standpoint.  I just tried it.  Unfortunately, in my  
situation, because a mouseLeave object only works for the portion  
that is not covered by another object (and it can't be transparent)  
this makes it awkward to use any controls underneath.

On Aug 17, 2006, at 1:20 PM, Peter T. Evensen wrote:

> Perhaps you could just create an object and trap the mouseLeave  
> message and move the pointer in that?
> At 03:14 PM 8/17/2006, you wrote:
>> I found that using a "send in time" structure to check the mouseLoc
>> rather than waiting for the mouseMove message was slightly more
>> reliable (OSX) and better kept it from going outside the bounding  
>> area.
>> on MouseTrap
>>    -- keep the mouse pointer inside the window
>>     if the optionkey is NOT "down" then -- but overide this behavior
>> with the "optionKey"
>>         put item 1 of globalLoc(the mouseLoc) into x
>>         put item 2 of globalLoc(the mouseLoc) into y
>>         put the top of this stack into tTopEdge
>>         put the bottom of this stack into tBottomEdge
>>         put the right of this stack into tRightEdge
>>         put the left of this stack into tLeftEdge
>>         if x < tLeftEdge then put tLeftEdge +1 into x
>>         if x > tRightEdge then put tRightEdge -1 into x
>>         if y < tTopEdge then put tTopEdge +1 into y
>>         if y > tBottomEdge then put tBottomEdge-1 into y
>>         set the screenmouseloc to x,y
>>     end if
>>   send MouseTrap to me in 40 millisec
>> end MouseTrap
>> -Scott Morrow
>> Elementary Software
>> (Now with 20% less chalk dust !)
>> web
>> email   scott at
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>> On Aug 17, 2006, at 8:40 AM, Howard Bornstein wrote:
>>> This script seems to work with adequate performance:
>>> on mousemove mh,mv
>>>  if the hilite of btn "constrain" is true then
>>>    if mh <= the left of fld "container" then
>>>      set the screenmouseloc to the globalloc of (the left of fld
>>> "container", mv)
>>>    end if
>>>    if mh >= the right of fld "container" then
>>>      set the screenmouseloc to the globalloc of (the right of fld
>>> "container", mv)
>>>    end if
>>>    if mv <= the top of fld "container" then
>>>      set the screenmouseloc to the globalloc of (mh,the top of fld
>>> "container")
>>>    end if
>>>    if mv >= the bottom of fld "container" then
>>>      set the screenmouseloc to the globalloc of (mh,the bottom of  
>>> fld
>>> "container")
>>>    end if
>>>  end if
>>> end mousemove
>>> Note two things:
>>> 1) The button "Constrain" needs to be within the field "Container"
>>> or you'll
>>> never be able to get out. :-)
>>> 2) It is possible to move the mouse out of the rect for brief
>>> moments, but
>>> then it pops back into the rectangle. I'm assuming it's a  
>>> function of
>>> slipping out between a mousemove scan.
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Howard Bornstein
>>> -----------------------
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