OT: Is there a more English-like Programming language than Transcript?

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at barncard.com
Tue Aug 15 14:17:09 EDT 2006

Type in 'Runtime Revolution', its formal long name, and it comes up first.
I always refer to 'Runtime' when speaking to others about it..

>I hesitate to bring this up, but one problem with "Revolution" is 
>the name.  It is a unsearchable name.  Image this guy going and 
>Googling "Revolution."  Will the RunRev site come up?  It's the 6th 
>link when I do it, and it comes up after "Revolution Software" which 
>sounds like what one would want.
>Frankly I'm impressed the RunRev site appears 6th.
>The problem is "Revolution" is a normal word.  Other names, like 
>"ReadBasic," are more unique, and will always take you to where you 
>want to go.
>At 10:45 PM 8/14/2006, you wrote:
>>I said  "Revolution"  He said "Hmm never heard of Revolution. Oops gotta
>>go... I'm up next...."
>>I don't think I should  to have said "coded  in transcipt" at that moment.
>Peter T. Evensen

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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