RichText Implementation

Dan Shafer revolutionary.dan at
Fri Aug 11 17:45:43 EDT 2006

No apologies needed, Jan. No harm done.

I had not for a long while been able to understand -- though I admit to not
having spent a huge amount of time investigating either -- why RR or someone
doesn't incorporate an external that would give us a fully formattable text
object. There are a lot of such engines lying around. I can edit rich text
in an HTML page, for Heaven's sake! Why can't I get that in a full-blown
standalone app development tool?

Turns out, as far as I can understand it, that the text engine in RunRev is
so deeply interconnected at a fundamental level that any attempt to replace
it or modify it is a HUGE undertaking.

So I concluded that if rich text formatting of content is important to an
app I'm being asked to create, I have two alternatives: (1)use RunRev but do
the text formatting using HTML and output the reports/results in HTML for
viewing in a browser (including, of course, altBrowser which can be embedded
fairly neatly into the app directly); or (2) pick a different tool that has
the built-in text editing incorporated. Python, which is my other favorite
language, has numerous libraries in support of formatted, rich and other
text options, e.g.

Another reason why having only one tool in your toolbox isn't a great idea
for a serious developer. Python lacks chunking but Transcript lacks rich
text control.

On 8/11/06, Jan Sælid <janselid at> wrote:
> Dan-
> I'm really sorry to let this out. I didn't know that is was under
> non-disclosure. Well, actually, if I had used my mind, buy I guess the
> news
> made me no think and only hope for a solution.
> At least I know I'm not the only one with this problem. That always help a
> little.
> I have wished for this feature since 2003, even started a "campaign" to
> make
> people vote for it on bugzilla. But I decided to start building my project
> anyway, and it's a very big project.
> I just got an answer from revolution that I should not wait for this
> feature
> but do what I need to do...
> The only rad platform that have this feature is realbasic. But I've tried
> it
> several times, and I really don't like it. I grown into rev. I guess I
> have
> to take a leap of faith. Because I've done so much work already.
> Thanks for the answer.
> Dan wrote:
> >But I feel your pain. Lack of rich text formatting has forced me onto
> another dev platform for one big project >and is threatening to do so for
> another.
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Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"

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