Object Library

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Sat Aug 5 12:11:42 EDT 2006


Has the question quoted below ever been answered? I seem to remember  
to have seen this question, about where the Object Library went, pop  
up a few times.

I took the stack revdefaultlibrary.rev, which resides in the folder ~/ 
revolution xyz/components/save/userobjects/ and put this folder into  
~/documents/my revolution/resources/object libraries/. If I open the  
Objects library in 2.7.2 now, all objects are available again.

I assume that this is just a glitch in the new installer.

Best regards,



Consultancy and Software Engineering

Download ErrorLib at http://economy-x-talk.com/developers.html and  
get full control of error handling in Revolution.

> Gregory Lypny gregory.lypny at videotron.ca
> Wed Mar 15 12:01:12 CST 2006
> My apologies if I missed this in a previous post, but where's the
> Object library in the new version of Revolution?  When I click on
> Object Library under the Development menu, I get the Library stack
> and an empty field under the Object tab where those nifty objects
> used to be in previous versions.
> 	Greg

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