Studio License Renewal Cost

Pierre Sahores psahores at
Fri Aug 4 04:52:50 EDT 2006

Dear Rev's Fellows,

If you consider that the real world is never "perfect", Rev can't be  
perfect but it's our luck to be able to use it, even evry day ...

Rev is developped by a very talentious RunRev team ;

As a general purpose development tool, Rev let us develop all kinds  
of destop's and client-server solutions ;

As a very heavy piece of code, Rev contains its parts of bugs and,  
always, the works-arounds we need to gohead in our works ;

Because RunRev is not Microsoft or Oracle, the team's developpers are  
not hundreds or tousands to polish our prefered development tool and  
it's mainly why we have to consider that the best XTalk available  
around can't be 100% bug free.

On the other hand, you have to consider that if you always pay for  
the annual license renewal fees, alike many of us, you just helps a  
little, the RunRev corp to gohead in working to deliver us the next  
realises of Media, Studio or Entreprise.

Don't think too much in money terms : the RunRev team is working very  
hard and mainly 16 hours/day as passionate peoples trying to push the  
XTalk paradigm to its best level. If they would have in mind "just to  
do money", we would'nt be able to count on them to do all the work  
they are providing to all of us ;-)

In a perfect world, Rev would be "a little more polished", no more ;-)

Best Regards from Fontainebleau,

Le 4 août 06 à 09:43, Jan Sælid a écrit :

> I have to agree with you. I'm very happy with rev but there are too  
> many
> bugs and feature requests that needs to be taken care of before I  
> upgrade.
> And where is Linux and unix?
>> If anyone else agree's that the upgrade cost is too high, let me  
>> know and
> speak up.

Pierre Sahores

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