MySQL Load Data Local

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Thu Aug 3 17:08:17 EDT 2006

On 8/4/06, Michael Caufield <mcaufield at> wrote:
>  From Revolution version 2.7.2 forward the MySQL Load Data Local
> Infile command fails with the error message "The used command is not
> supported by this version of MySQL. The current version of MySQL
> server being used is 5.0.21. This command works from the MySQL
> command line without fail. It also works when called from
> revExecuteSQL for versions of Revolution up to 2.7.1. I believe the
> problem is caused by the fact that the MySQL driver is now linked
> against the latest version of the MySQL client library (5.0.23) and
> has been compiled with the --local-infile=0. Is this behavior
> intentional? I think that the default for the MySQL client is to set
> this flag to true. As a workaround, can the MySQL driver from version
> 2.7.1 be used in newer versions of Revolution? Please advise.

I too ran into this problem with MySQL 5 and was unable to solve it. I
don't think it's anything to do with Revolution, it's MySQL's fault. I
turned on the local-infile option but this made no difference.
Actually, I probably should have stopped & re-started the SQL server
after changing it, but in the end, I just made a loop to read the data
in and INSERT it line by line. In my case, this was a one-off data
import so I didn't care that it took a bit more time.


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