Jan Schenkel
janschenkel at
Tue Aug 1 14:21:24 EDT 2006
--- Liam Lambert <liamlambert at> wrote:
> Hello everyone
> what am I doing wrong with this script
> I have used similar code that worked but this does
> not
> global gConID
> local tBookingID
> set itemDel to tab
> put fld "id" into tName
> put "SELECT (Surname) FROM Booking where
> FirstName = 'tName'"
> into tFname
> put revdb_querylist(,,gConID,tFname) into tName
> put tName into fld "surName"
> Thanks
> Liam
Hi Liam,
The SQL query has no direct way of knowing that tName
is a variable in Revolution - that's probably why you
get an error saying something is wrong in your query.
There are two solutions:
1) Either construct the query as a whole:
global gConID
put fld "id" into tName
put "SELECT Surname FROM Booking" && \
"WHERE FirstName = '" & tName & "'" \
into tQuery
put revdb_querylist(,,gConID,tQuery) into tSurName
put tSurName into fld "surName"
2) Or use variable binding:
global gConID
put fld "id" into tName
put "SELECT Surname FROM Booking" && \
"WHERE FirstName = :1" \
into tQuery
put revdb_querylist(,,gConID,tQuery,"tName") \
into tSurName
put tSurName into fld "surName"
Personally, I prefer method 1, while using the 'merge'
function to make things easier to read.
global gConID
put fld "id" into tName
put merge("SELECT Surname FROM Booking" && \
"WHERE FirstName = '[[tName]]'") \
into tQuery
put revdb_querylist(,,gConID,tQuery) into tSurName
put tSurName into fld "surName"
But for BLOB data, the data binding is a blessing.
Hope this helped,
Jan Schenkel.
Quartam Reports for Revolution
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