Is WMV possible in Rev

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Sun Apr 30 17:49:15 EDT 2006

Hi RJ,

I have Flip4Mac installed and can play WMV files in Revolution,  
running on a Mac with Mac OS X. The best option for cross-platform  
compatibility probably is avi or mpg. These formats can still use a  
variety of encodings and you will want to make sure that the encoding  
is available for all platforms.

You could also write a script to detect the encoding needed for your  
files and present a dialog with information about where to get the  
necessary plugins. You could help your users by providing them with a  
direct link in the dialog that opens the correct web site.



Op 30-apr-2006, om 23:09 heeft RJ McNicol het volgende geschreven:

> Hi all.
> I am new to this list and am plodding along in the studio version.  
> I am seriously looking at the studio version to do cross platform  
> projects.    I already have a slew of questions but I'll keep this  
> brief.
> Are windows media files easy to implement in standalone projects or  
> would I be best to use QT.  Or maybe to better ask the question  
> what do you pros consider the best option for  Mac and Windows  
> compatibility?
> Cheers
> RJ McNicol
> Canada

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