Load - caches and so forth?

David Bovill david at openpartnership.net
Fri Apr 28 11:04:30 EDT 2006

Got a couple of questions about caching with the "load" command...

    1) Is the stack / file cahed in memory or on disk -- looks like it 
is in a local array in the libURL stack right?

    2) If so the cache is lost when Rev quits - ie libURL closes?

    3) Does "load" work for all http related data access? "put" / "get" 
but also "go" in the case of stack?

Finally if I want a semi-permanent disk based "cache" - I guess I should 
trap something using a front script? What would be the best way to do 
this? Trap "getUrl"?, passing it if the url is not in the disk based cache?

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