Point of confusion - Custom Properties

Phil Davis davis.phil at comcast.net
Wed Apr 26 19:13:04 EDT 2006

Jim Ault wrote:
> I am trying to grasp how the setProp and getProp handers will work and am
> stuck on the following concept.
> Given: that executing the following lines will 'attempt' to change the
> values of custom properties and send a message to do so ...
> on opencard
>   set the dontShowError of this stack to "true"
>   set the dontShowIcons of this stack to "true"
>   set the dontShowAnimation of this stack to "true"
> end opencard
> ---how can another handler be triggered while this one is running?

Hi Jim,

'getProp' and 'setProp' have nothing to do per se with custom 
properties. They are just syntax alternatives to 'on' or 'function'. 
Your 'dontShow...' handlers would be executed much the same way any 
other function or custom command issued by 'openCard' would be executed.

(Warning - TMI follows) Execution of 'openCard' is paused/suspended, and 
Rev gives control to the called handler. In turn, the called handler may 
call other handlers and have its own execution paused until control 
comes back from the handler it called. When the original called handler 
finishes running, control is returned to the original caller (openCard) 
and its execution continues. (Unless of course a called handler 'short 
circuits' normal control with an 'exit to top' or some such thing.)

Is that what you're asking about?

Phil Davis

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