How to change the resolution of the machine

Bob Warren bobwarren at
Mon Apr 24 15:23:50 EDT 2006

MITTAL Pradeep Kumar wrote:

 >FOR MAC and OS X there is cscreen and other utilities but I want to
change the resolution on windows pc. And for that I need a very light
weight command utility which does not require any installation.

 >Is there any utility or some other mechansim to achieve this on PC?
Dear Mittal,

If you want to change the screen colour depth as well as the size, such 
utilities are far from trivial. However, just changing the size is a bit 

Do you have VB6 installed? If so, I have a relatively simple utility I 
could let you have which you could adapt to your own purposes.

Regarding the installation, if it is to be run on Windows XP, then the 
necessary libraries should already be present in the OS and it wouldn't 
need a setup. Otherwise, one way of eliminating the need for a setup in 
Windows ME, 98, etc. is to use a special utility I have to "wrap" the 
libraries together with the EXE. I could do this "wrapping" for you. The 
only potential difficulty involved with wrapping though, is that one or 
two anti-virus programs detect the unwrapping procedure falsly as virus 
activity (e.g. the AVG anti-virus).

Let me know.

Bob Warren

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