code works in debug mode, but not in run mode?

Josh Mellicker josh at
Fri Apr 21 15:07:27 EDT 2006

I am experienced a weird problem I thought someone could shed some  
light on.

This is from my stack script:

ON startup
     local tExternals	= ""
     put sys_appPath(true) & "/externals/EnhancedQT.bundle" & cr &  
sys_appPath(true) & "/externals/EnhancedQT.dll" into tExternals
     put tExternals into message
     set the externals of this stack to tExternals
     pass startup
END startup

FUNCTION sys_appPath pGetBundleFolder
     local tPath = ""
     put address into tPath
     IF pGetBundleFolder = true AND platform() contains "Mac" AND  
systemVersion() >= 10 THEN
         get offset(".app/Contents/MacOS/", tPath)
         IF it > 0 THEN -- 2.4.3 or later
             delete char it to length(tPath) of tPath
         END IF
     ELSE IF platform() contains "Win" THEN
     END IF    	
     	set itemDel to slash
     	delete item -1 of tPath
     	set itemDel to ":"
     	delete item 1 of tPath
     	return tPath
END sys_appPath


If I go to the message box and type "startup", I get:

Message execution error:
Error description: Chunk: can't find card

(from "put tExternals into message")


Yet if I put a breakpoint in:

ON startup
     local tExternals	= ""
     put sys_appPath(true) & "/externals/EnhancedQT.bundle" & cr &  
sys_appPath(true) & "/externals/EnhancedQT.dll" into tExternals
     put tExternals into message
     set the externals of this stack to tExternals
     pass startup
END startup

and step through it, I get the correct result:

/Applications/Revolution Enterprise/2.7.0-gm-1/externals/ 
/Applications/Revolution Enterprise/2.7.0-gm-1/externals/EnhancedQT.dll


Is this weird that this would work in debug mode but not in regular  
run mode?

Sorry if this is something obvious, I am a beginner :-)


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