[OT] Cringely on BootCamp's future

Chipp Walters chipp at chipp.com
Tue Apr 18 21:26:26 EDT 2006


Vista's not even out and who knows if it ever will be? And even then, 
who knows what the security issues will be... certainly not our friend 
Cringely. For me to pay a 33% premium now on _THAT BET_, a computer 
which doesn't even have a Windows key (yes, I do use the Windows key a 
bunch), seems like less a fly more like a full-size Steve Jobs in my 
ointment..I mean my wallet.

Of course, for you Mac guys, this makes perfect sense. Mac users always 
have been willing to pay a premium-- I know, I used to be one of them! 
And in one sense you are really getting 2 computers in one, if you need 
them both. I don't.

Now, I might think different regarding a Core Duo Mac mini, as you can 
grab a decent 1GB version for $700 (though that's only a 60Gb drive-- 
gee wiz Apple, you want to charge me another 100 clams to upgrade to 
100Gb drive-- most expensive GB's on the planet but, hey, at least Jesse 
James wore a mask!)

best, Chipp

Dan Shafer wrote:
> Ah, but Chipp, the fly in your ointment (oooh, ugly metaphor) is the word
> "just". The premium buys you (in the best scenario):
> * more secure Vista
> * more stable Vista
> * OS X and all its charms

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