DreamHost CGI not working...

Alex Tweedly alex at tweedly.net
Tue Apr 18 17:06:32 EDT 2006

Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Todd Geist wrote:
>> On Apr 18, 2006, at 12:58 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:
>>> Jacque's instructions said to name the engine "revolution", so I  
>>> tried that
>> I changed the name of the engine to "revolution" and it now works.
> Why would the engine care what its name is?

I'm sure it doesn't.

In my case, the uploaded engine (revolution.x86) was unusable for some 
undetermined reason, although the file was there, complete and had 
correct permissions. Copying it on the server to a different name (and 
adjusting the first line of the script to match) fixed it - after 
subsequently renaming the engine back to revolution.x86 and adjusting 
the first line of the script it still works.

In Todd's case, he had a mismatch between file name and file specified 
in the first line.

Note - on some hosts, it might matter, because they impose limitations 
on what file names can be executed as cgis, and might conceivably impose 
that restraint on any executable.

Alex Tweedly       http://www.tweedly.net

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