Filling data fields from a multiple choice list

Francis Nugent Dixon effendi at
Tue Apr 18 12:42:17 EDT 2006

Hi from Paris,

I have a multi-card stack containing data fields that I must fill in.
I have a list of standard texts, one of which must be selected
to be put into my fields.

At the moment, I use an "on mouseUp" handler in the text field
to go to card 1 and display a text list. This text list has an "on
mouseUp" handler which uses the clickline function to pick
up one of the lines, and insert it into my data field.

I works fine, but it requires two clicks (So Sad !).

Can I display, by clicking in my data field, a sort of menu list
(containing all my possible standard texts), where, by shifting
the mouse to the required line, I can pick up the text I require
to fill my data field (something like "pulldown") ?

Having never seen an example of "pulldown", I don't know if
I can use it for this problem.

Thanks for any advice (you'll save me thousands of clicks !).


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