packing external executable within a stack?..

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Mon Apr 17 11:54:02 EDT 2006

--- Viktoras Didziulis <viktoras at> wrote:
> And one more question related to the previous one...
> Is it possible in
> Revolution to include external executables as
> resources into a stack or some
> kind of shared library/resource ? Any references... 
> Thanks! 
> Viktoras

Hi Viktoras,

You can read a ny file into a custom property, unpack
that into the temp directory and then use the 'shell'
command to execute it (or open process and its friends
if you need to interact via stdin/stdout).

To import it, use something like this:
on mouseUp
  answer file "Select file to import"
  if it is empty then exit mouseUp
  put it into tFullPath
  set the itemDelimiter to "/"
  put item -1 of tFullPath into tFileName
  put URL ("binfile:" & tFullPath) into tFileData
  set the uImportedFile[tFileName] of this stack \
      to tFileData
end mouseUp

To use it, you can use something similar to:
on ExecuteImportedFile pFileName
  put tempname() into tFullPath
  set the itemDelimiter to "/"
  put pFileName into item -1 of tFullPath
  put the uImportedFile[pFileName] of this stack \
      into URL ("binfile:" & tFullPath)
  get shell(tFullPath)
  return it
end ExecuteImportedFile

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam Reports for Revolution

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