What happens to a field dragged off the card

Marty Knapp martyknapp at comcast.net
Mon Apr 17 00:55:56 EDT 2006


It's probably just out of view - expand the stack window and you should 
find it. In the event that you dragged it quite far, you may need to 
type into the message box "set the loc of field "the name of the field" 
to "100,100". If you didn't give it a name check for its ID in the stack 
inspector. You could also use the stack inspector, click the arrow icon 
in the top, right corner and select the field, then click the menu to 
select "Size and Position" and move it there.

Marty Knapp
> I accidentally dragged a field off of my card (off the edge of the card) and
> its gone. Can I get it back or is it gone forever?
> James Z.

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