Unexpected problem with Forum

David Vaughan dvk at dvkconsult.com.au
Fri Apr 14 04:54:13 EDT 2006

When I wrote in favour of a Forum late last year:
 > Subject: 	Re: Recent Development on the Use-LIst
 > Date: 	16 December 2005 10:52:27 GMT+11:00

among my arguments were that:
 > Secondly, a single button brings up in tree format every post made  
since you yourself last checked, and no others.

Alas, this forum does not. Sure, it brings up the topics on which  
posts were most recently made, but it does not bring up a tree list  
of recent posts made so you can click on one to go directly to that  
comment. Further, when you click on a thread on which there have been  
posts since you last looked, it puts you at the top of the thread  
rather than on the first new post, so you have to rely on memory to  
find whereabouts you should start reading.

These two lacks are clumsy, wasteful of my time and disappointing.

Is there some preference I can set which will make the Forum behave  
in a reasonable manner? If not, then the Forum software needs  
reconfiguration or else, if the behaviour I describe is beyond its  
capabilities, then it needs a platform shift.

Having argued in favour of a Forum based on experience with other  
systems, I can not use it in its present form :-(


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