an app that will transcode a bunch of QT movies from one codec to another (and place them in certain relative folders

Josh Mellicker josh at
Thu Apr 13 17:51:59 EDT 2006

Just in case anyone is curious, I ended up doing this in Applescript,  
here's the step-by-step:

1. manually export a movie in QT pro with the export settings you want

2. run this applescript once:

tell application "QuickTime Player"
	tell first movie
		save export settings for QuickTime movie to file "myqtsettings.set"
	end tell
end tell

3. then, write this applescript:

tell application "QuickTime Player"
	if (exists movie 1) then close movie 1

		set currUser to the path to current user folder as text
		set sourceFolder to currUser & "Documents:My Project:Source  
Folder:" as text
		set destFolder to currUser & "Documents:My Project:Destination  
Folder:" as text
		set qtSettingsFile to sourceFolder & "myqtsettings.set" as text
		open sourceFolder & ""
		export movie 1 to destFolder & "" as QuickTime movie using  
settings alias qtSettingsFile replacing 1
		close movie 1
		open sourceFolder & ""
		export movie 1 to destFolder & "" as QuickTime movie using  
settings alias qtSettingsFile replacing 1
		close movie 1

	on error error_message number error_number
		if the error_number is not -128 then
			display dialog error_message buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
		end if
	end try
end tell

4. save this Applescript as a stand-alone app, the user double-clicks  
it, and voila!

Hope this is useful to someone (until Trevor adds export settings to  
the external!)



On Apr 12, 2006, at 8:52 PM, Josh Mellicker wrote:

> We need an app that will essentially transcode a bunch of QT movies  
> from one codec to another (and place them in certain relative  
> folders).
> (Like an batch automated Quicktime Export with certain predefined  
> settings)
> (The Apple app Compressor will make a "droplet" but it is severely  
> limited and there are many bugs preventing this option from working  
> for us.)
> ON readThisPost
> IF (this is possible in Revolution)
>     IF (youAreAvailableToWriteThisApp OR  
> youAreAvailableForConsultingOnThis)
>        letMeKnow()
>     ELSE
>       sorryToBotherYouAndHopeYouAreWell()
>       guessIWillTryAppleScript()
>     END IF
>   END IF
>   pass readThisPost
> END readThisPost
> Cheers :)
> Josh
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