Preferred RunRev method to close a stack with Esc

Martin Baxter mb.ur at
Tue Apr 11 12:51:05 EDT 2006

mfstuart at wrote:
> Hi all,
> Two questions in one request...
> I'm developing on WinXP and would like to know what is the 
> preferred RunRev way to apply a close to a sub-stack when the end user presses the Esc key?
> Scenario:
> The application is database oriented, with the user double-clicking
> on a table row to open a stack that displays all the fields,
> and data related to that selected row.
> The user is now on the sub-stack. If the user doesn't change
> anything, and presses Esc, the sub-stack should close
> with no warnings.
> If the user has changed data, and then presses Esc,
> I'd want to pop up an alert to the affect that they
> need to save or cancel changes. 
> How is this done in RunRev?
> TIA,
> Mark Stuart

Hi Mark,

have you tried trapping the escapeKey message? as in:

on escapeKey

Martin Baxter

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