use-revolution Digest, Vol 31, Issue 27

Graham Samuel livfoss at
Tue Apr 11 09:21:56 EDT 2006

Just to say that Wouter <wouter.abraham at> forwarded me a  
copy, for which thanks.


I had written:

> No, the subject line isn't there because I hit 'reply' without  
> thinking (although we've all done that): it's there because  
> although I've received Digests 26, 28 and 29 of the Use-List,  
> somehow 27 has failed to turn up - I've no idea why, but anyway  
> would some kind Digest reader take a second to send me a copy?  
> Without it I'm missing bits of threads that I'm following.

Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK and France

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