Geoff Canyon
gcanyon at inspiredlogic.com
Tue Apr 11 02:12:15 EDT 2006
On Apr 10, 2006, at 10:11 PM, Tariel Gogoberidze wrote:
> On Apr 9, 2006, at 1:00 PM, Geoff Canyon wrote:
>> Here is an example of something slightly larger than a single line
>> (and actually useful) that I think is bug-free:
>> on stableSetSize pID,W,H
>> -- sets the width and height of pID
>> -- while keeping the topleft the same
>> try
>> put the rect of pID into tRect
>> catch tSomeError
>> exit stableSetSize
>> end try
>> if W is a number then put item 1 of tRect + W into item 3 of tRect
>> if H is a number then put item 2 of tRect + H into item 4 of tRect
>> set the rect of pID to tRect
>> end stableSetSize
> Assuming correct input it seems to be bug free. However..
> on mouseUp
> put "button 1" into PID
> put 500000000000000.2 into W -- !
> put 50.3 into H
> stableSetSize pID,W,H
> end mouseUp
> Throws execution error here "rectangle does not have 4 points"
> :)
In discussion with a non-Rev-using friend earlier today (what, you
don't spend your spare time discussing esoteric issues with your
friends?) the idea of overflow was pointed out to me.
Note in my defense that the code is proof against non-integers, non-
numbers, and negative numbers. So the only thing that should break it
is too-large numbers.
That said, I noticed in the docs that if the lockLoc of an object is
true, it resizes from the topleft. I thought this would be a good
thing, but it means that I have to lock the screen in order to not
show first the width changing, then the height. It also doesn't
handle cds or groups, etc. So I stuck with the rectangle routine, but
with more data checks:
on stableSetSize pID,W,H
-- sets the width of and height of pID
-- while keeping the topleft the same
put the rect of pID into tRect
catch tSomeErr
exit stableSetSize
end try
if W is a number then
if word 1 of pID is among the items of "image,img" and \
the platform is "MacOS" then
put min(4096,W) into W -- this is a temp
end if
put min(32767,W + item 1 of tRect) into item 3 of tRect
end if
if H is a number then put min(32767,H + item 2 of tRect) into item
4 of tRect
set the rect of pID to tRect
end stableSetSize
Maybe that will hold up a bit longer.
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