Eureka! It's late, I'm tired and grouchy and I can't figure out a way to do this!

David Burgun dburgun at
Fri Apr 7 09:30:45 EDT 2006

Hi All,

Ok, I finally found it! I knew I had the code there somewhere, it was  
on a PowerBook I had forgotten I had!

Got it working now, see below. It's really quite neat! A spot of  
recursion every now and then is good for the soul, check it out!

Oh, one thing that I could do with confirmation on, I am using the  
"long name", is this ok? Should I use the "long id" instead?

All the Best

--  ISMInitializeGroup
function ISMInitializeGroup theOwnerLongName
   local myIndex
   local myCount

   --  Initialize all Groups that need to be Initialized
   put the number of groups in theOwnerLongName into myCount

   repeat with myIndex = 1 to myCount
     if word 1 of the name of group myIndex of theOwnerLongName =  
"group" then
       if the long owner of group myIndex of theOwnerLongName =  
theOwnerLongName then
         get ISMDebugLogString(empty)
         get ISMDebugLogString(the name of group myIndex of  

--  Recurse thru the Container (Card or Group)
      get ISMInitializeGroup(the long name of group myIndex of  
       end if
     end if
   end repeat

   --  Initialize the Controls in this Group
   repeat with myIndex = 1 to number of controls in theOwnerLongName
     if word 1 of the name of control myIndex of theOwnerLongName <>  
"group" then
       if the long owner of control myIndex of theOwnerLongName =  
theOwnerLongName then
         get ISMDebugLogString(the name of control myIndex of  
       end if
     end if
   end repeat

   return true
end ISMInitializeGroup

--  ISMInitialzeObjects
function XISMInitialzeObjects theStackLongName,theColdStartFlag
   local myCount
   local myHandlerString
   local myColdStartFlag
   local mySendString

   local myCardIndex
   local myGroupIndex
   local myControlIndex

   get ISMSetDebugMode(true,true)

   if theColdStartFlag = empty then
     put false into myColdStartFlag
     put theColdStartFlag into myColdStartFlag
   end if

   get ISMDebugLogString("ISMInitialzeObejcts " & theStackLongName)
   get ISMDebugLogString(empty)

   put "on " & kInitializeObjectName into myHandlerString
   put kInitializeObjectName && myColdStartFlag into mySendString
   --  Initialize the Stack
   if the script of theStackLongName contains myHandlerString then
     --send mySendString to stack theStackLongName
   end if

   --  Initialize all Cards
   repeat with myCardIndex = 1 to the number of cards of  
     get ISMDebugLogString(empty)
     get ISMDebugLogString(the name of card myCardIndex of  
     --  Initialize all Groups and Controls in the current Card
get ISMInitializeGroup(the long name of card myCardIndex of  
   end repeat

   return true
end XISMInitialzeObjects

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