[Ticket#: 2006040510000641] Re: [OT] Articles to read

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Thu Apr 6 21:00:17 EDT 2006

David Burgun wrote:

> Now, I suppose that "colorizing" a script *might* need to be  "applied" 
> but the button didn't enable at this point. If I open the  script and 
> select colorize and then close the window, I  don't get  the dialog. If 
> I open the script, select colorize and then click on a  function in the 
> script body, not via the handler list, the apply  button is not enabled. 
> It's only when I select via the handler list.

I agree very much with Richard that a simple click in the editor should 
not mark the script as dirty. But when I look at your recipe, it says a 
click on a handler name in the list marks the script as dirty. What 
happens when you click on a handler name? The selection in the script 
editor changes, just as though you'd clicked in there yourself. The 
behavior is consistent. I'm not sure why clicking in the fuction 
wouldn't alter the selection, unless that was a handler that was already 
storing it.

I don't think colorization matters to the dirty flag, so you can 
eliminate that from the recipe.

That said, Alex Tweedly has just proven me wrong and posted a bug to 
bugzilla that reproduces the problem in the editor without clicking on 
anything at all. He provided a sample stack. Thanks Alex. Good sleuthing.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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