Replacetext conundrum

Martin Baxter mb.ur at
Thu Apr 6 15:22:58 EDT 2006

Rob Beynon wrote:
> Dear All
> Why does (in the message box even, but also in scripts)
> put the replacetext("dah at dah","@",".") give "dah.dah"
> but
> put the replacetext("dah.dah",".","@") give "@ @ @ @ @ @ @"
> this is surely a bug?

I think not a bug, unless you mean why are there spaces between the ats 
in the result? I would expect the ats but not the spaces. Is that really 
what you get?

The dot as second parameter has special meaning in regular expressions - 
it means "any character" essentially, so it will cause all characters in 
param 1 get replaced with param 3. Try this:

put the replacetext("dah.dah","\.","@")

The backslash tells RR to treat the dot as a literal.

Martin Baxter

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